Tech purchase regret is a costly mistake. Not just financially, but in lost time, productivity, and even reputation.
You deserve better. You deserve answers and solutions that go beyond the hype and focus on what truly matters: your goals and key outcomes.
Enter DART, Eye of Another's 90-day consulting program.
DART is about measuring twice, so you only have to cut once. Here's how:

D iscover
First we Discover and specify your ideal digital solution vision, not just the trendy one. Then we align and anchor that vision in data that will realistic tell us what kind of size impact, investment, and success criteria are necessary to deliver it.

A ssess
Then we Assess your company's readiness. We'll make sure you have the resources and infrastructure to fully utilize and benefit from your chosen solution path.

R oadmap
Next, we Roadmap the way to success. We'll lay out the steps to prepare your company for implementation, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition.

T akeoff
Then we Takeoff with confidence. We'll set up an oversight team to guide execution and support your future digital adoption plans.